Friday, 21 December 2012

Monday, 10 December 2012


New ideas for you presents!


Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Pensant en fer un regal? Tinc una idea per tú, una sessió fotogràfica! També la pots regalar a qui vulguis ;) 
Pensando en hacer un regalo? Tengo una idea para ti, una sesión fotográfica! También la puedes regalar a quien quieras ;)

Monday, 12 November 2012


This is Jan, one month ago you met his parents. Today he is the star! Visit my web to see more pictures ;)

Thursday, 1 November 2012


Hey! This is my new baby from California, an awsome present from Marc. I'm still testing it, those are my first pictures (except the building one, by Marc).
Thank youuuuuuu Marc! 

Sunday, 21 October 2012


Final countdown for In-Edit 2012! This year is a very special edition, as they're celebrating their 10th birthday! As always you could find interesting contents in this Barcelona's International Music Documentary Festival and some cool new stuff from October 25th to November 5th. So don't miss this special edition if you're in Barcelona! If not you could always follow the festival by In-Edit TV.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Cooming soon...

Monday, 8 October 2012


Salad + Cous cous

Salad: lettuce, rocket, apple, cherry tomatoes, gherkins, alfalfa sprouts, beetroot and vinaigrette.
Cous cous: cous cous, carrot, onion, aubergine, a bit of tomato, sultanas and a dressing of olive oil and black olives (in Catalunya we call it olivada and it's perfect for salads, toasts with cheese, sauces...)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


More family portraits in my website. This time Andrea and Tonyo shared with us this special moment. 
Congratulations to them and welcome Jan! And special thanks to Marc ;)

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

GETXOPHOTO (part two)

We enjoyed a lot our first time (but not the last for sure) at Getxophoto festival in the Basque Country. I highly recommend you this photofestival for many different reasons. First of all Getxo is a nice place for having a walk near the sea, go to the beach, taste some of the typical "pintxos" and go for a bicycle ride around the town. Also you could find the photo exhibitions in unusual places, like the market, on a shipping container, in the midle of the street or even at the tables of the bar terrace. This year we weren't there for the opening but it looks very interesting for those who like to do many activities like workshops (for  children also), guided visits, photowalks, projections, talks and much more! We were very lucky because we met part of the Getxhophoto team who opened one of the galleries for us (some of them are closed on mondays so check the timetable before you go) and they walked us to the Paper shop. There you could find photography magazines, beautiful bags made by recycled pictures of the pasts festivals and also the book of this edition and the past ones. We could'nt leave without them! 
If you have the chance to go don't miss it!!! It goes on until 30th of september!