Monday, 31 January 2011

Art bike dedicated to soso


 by Etsy

by Eleanor Grosch 

by Methan Studios
by Peter Esveld

by Aesthetic Apparatus

by Diana Sudyka

by Landland

by Leandro Castelao


Good luck and take care!

Sad because you left but happy 'cos you made it ;)
Wish you all the best and see you soon!

Picture by Rach & Marc 

Friday, 28 January 2011

New Year's Eve 2010

Sois tan grandes!

Pictures by Marc, Rach and Juliett

Another awesome discovery

A Magazine Is Born- the making of Little White Lies

Corella ballet

Teatre Tívoli de Barcelona 
21, 22, 26, 27 i 29 de Gener a les 21:00h.
23 i 30 de Gener a les 18:00h

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Cookies project

#1. Chocolate and cinnamon cookies.
#2. White chocolate, sultanas and vanilla flavour.
#3. Apricot and pecan nuts cookies.

Pictures by soso & rach

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

G i n a ♥

Sembla mentida però ja falta poc perquè ens coneixem. 
 Moltes felicitats als pares!

Congratulations Mila!

I'm very proud of you. Te lo mereces todo! Xx

Picture by soso.

Elephant Magazine

Os recomiendo que echéis un vistazo a esta revista. La descubrí en Londres el fin de semana pasado.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011